Hand Drawn Typography HALLOWEEN EDITION!!!
I love hand drawn typography, but never knew it was even a thing until this week. I just thought it was me sitting at home alone, drawing the names of all the guys I have crushes on at my coffee table while watching old reruns of Friends. Drawing letters was a skill I learned so that I could bypass using the computer on my cartoons, because learning new technology pisses me off, which is totally okay if I’m doing it at school but I’m doing cartoons to relax, dammit, not give myself a non-spicy-food related ulcer.
So anyway. Now that I know it’s a thing, I want to learn more.
Alida Rosie Sayer, a visual communications student from Glasgow School of Art created this title sequence from Susperia, a cult classic and one of the finest horror films ever made. Wait, did I say “finest”? I meant “totally the opposite of finest.” But a great movie for horror buffs like myself and absolutely worth watching. Here’s Sayer’s take on the title sequence:
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/5018022 w=500&h=213] <p><a href=”http://vimeo.com/5018022″>Title sequence re-design for ‘Suspiria’ (1977) dir. Dario Argento</a> from <a href=”http://vimeo.com/alidarosie”>Alida Rosie Sayer</a> on <a href=”http://vimeo.com”>Vimeo</a>.</p>
Susperia is about a ballerina lady who travels to Germany to attend this really important ballerina lady school, but it really turns out to be a house full of crazy witches and demons and I don’t remember the rest so I guess I should watch it again. Bloodbaths and screaming ensues. It’s pretty awesome in a terrible kinda way.
Here’s the original trailer:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q_o-iV_L2A&w=560&h=315]
I KNOW. Shut up, right?? “The Only Thing More Terrifying Than The Last 12 Minutes Of This Film Are The First 92.” WOOOOOOOO! Italy, have you been reading my diary????? All of my problems have been solved by this movie and I will never complain about anything else for the rest of my life.
Mostly, I like how the director created surreal, dreamlike scenes and used bright colors to create this alternate world. Kinda similar to A Clockwork Orange or The Shining or pretty much any other Stanley Kubrick movie.
But I also like the hilarious and ridiculous killing scenes.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwRG2qpEwl4&w=560&h=315]
Anyway, where am I? I’m so confused. I am supposed to be talking to you about hand drawn typography.
So Alida Rosie Sayer. Her use of typography in her work is pretty cool. It’s thoughtful and creepy and weird and makes me think thoughts. That part hurts. You should check it out!
These are great, I love these kinda retro-looking pieces by Von Brandis:
Daren Newman’s work at Me & My Pen is pretty darn complex. I like it. I am not sure if Tom would like his stuff. Some of it is pretty ornate: