Well, we survived our Renton Redneck video shoot! The ads are busily being edited, but I thought I would post a few pictures from the shoot.

The fabulous and terrific Elizabeth Ogle scouted the most amazingly appropriate location that could not have been closer to my original ad comp. When I first showed her the below comp, she was like “hey! I know a place that looks like that!” Here’s a reminder of what we started with:



And what we ended up with:



The original idea was to have a guy and a girl who were playing a couple, but our female actor had another commitment. We thought we would have to settle for one guy for the shoot, but we found him a buddy!


The video is hilarious and I couldn’t stop laughing while we were shooting. What a fun time we had.

For now, feast your eyes upon a few stills… video to come soon enough!

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